Thursday, February 4, 2010

Projects on the Docket


Isn't this fringe adorable???!!! I found this pillowcase (and another one that was a pale green fringe) at my local goodwill and I knew that these would make the most perfect pillowcase dresses for my daughter. Ever made one of those?? Yeah, neither have I. But I got a good start on it. Here's the link to the instructions I've been following. What I like about these instructions is that she updates the traditional directions and changes the drawstring casing (a choking hazard) to an elastic one for a more safety conscious outfit. I'm not going to do all the frills she suggests - I think this fringe speaks for itself.  

 This is my little papier-mache mountain. I made it as a perching spot for all of my gals little hard plastic animals she has collected (and which tend to make for some risky foot business in every room in the house). I just used tomato hoops and chicken wire to make a frame, covered it with newspaper, and now I'm waiting for it to dry so I can paint it. I'm in charge of the greys and blues and my daughter gets to paint all the pinks and purples. My husband gets all varieties of green paint.  The papier mache that resembles cement is actually just paper that sat in hot water for about an hour, was blended it in my cuisinart, and mixed with the usual ingredients to make a more moldable medium. The whole mountain stands about 3 feet tall and is already home to many dinosaurs. They don't seem to mind it's unfinished state.


  1. Just loved this post... coming from SITS. Random, but are you going to Bloggy Boot Camp in Baltimore?

  2. Howdy and glad you liked it. I've got both projects finished now...I just have to update it!! As for the Boot camp.... I've only been doing this whole blogging-thing for a couple of moths now (so, really, I SHOULD go to camp!!) and I haven't taken any of those kind of steps yet. I hope you have a few informative and fun time!! :-)


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