Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Marvelous Mess #13 and Features!!

I have been so swamped recently. You know that feeling?

Definitely how I'm feeling right now. But, I aim to fix first  getting my features from last week out there!! Yikes. Here we go:

Isn't this Diagonal Sweater Purse so cute!! Show Share Tell has always got something funky going on!!

And the post I am going to feature for a week on my sidebar..........
A Sewing Notions Wreath from Something Created Everyday. Isn't this so unique? I just love it. 
If you were featured on this post, be sure take a button:


Now....On to the party!!

A Marvelous Mess Moday is a link party dedicated to the messes we make in pursuit of craftiness. Personal expression is messy. Art is messy. Life is messy!! What did you make out of your marvelous mess today??

Each week I will pick one project from this party to feature on my sidebar for a week!! Please feel free to link up a couple of fairly new projects (something you've made within the past month). Remember to comment on some other posts....we all need a little recognition and it's a great way to make some new friends. I can't wait to see what you have all created!!

If you do link up, be sure to add my button to your post or sidebar so everyone else will know where to go to link up too!!

Button Code:

<br /><center><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" alt="A Marvelous Mess" src="" /></a></center>

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I can so totally relate to overwhelmed - great photo for visualizing the feeling.

    Thanks for hosting.

  2. Thanks for the fun!! It's the weather: spring is so WONDERFUL to get outside, it makes one feel overwhelmed to DO IT ALL!!! :)

  3. OMG! Thank you so much for featuring my Sewing Notions Wreath both as a feature but also in your sidebar for a whole week. I am so THRILLED! You just made my week! Thank you. Sorry you're feeling so swamped. I really appreciate you hosting your Linky Party. Thank you, thank you! Lynda from

  4. Thank you so much for hosting this marvelous linky party each week! :) I really appreciate it!!
    I just have one little "complaint".. I wish the link up pictures were a little bigger. It's really hard to see all the fabulous links..
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

  5. Thank you for hosting. I’m a new follower, and this hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 150 hops for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page.
    I hope you’ll visit me soon and follow back!

  6. Wow, love that notions wreath! Thanks for hosting - hope you have pulled yourself out of the mud!

  7. How fun! I love a party. Thx for coming by!

  8. thanks so much for the invite and your kind comments. can't wait to explore the blog!


  9. Thank you for the invite! I'm a new follower! I linked up my Art Activity Wall

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