Here's a present I made for a cousin's first birthday. A needle felted sheep!! It was perfect timing because the munchkin and I just visited a Fiber Arts festival and got to see a sheep dog demo. I think the relationship between the dogs and sheep is so funny to watch. We also got to see a lot of Alpacas, Llamas, goats, and rabbits. I bought some fairly inexpensive roving that I am quite excited about. :-) This wool for my toy sheep came from the very first fleece I ever worked with and you can read about it in my first ever blog post HERE.
I also made a wet felted ball. Felt balls actually have quite a bit of bounce to them and they are perfect for a young child to handle. If you're looking to make a wet felted ball, check out the link above as well.
I shared this post at the following funky parties:

Thank you for hosting.
ReplyDeleteI've tried felting before, and found it was a dismal failure for me. KUDOS TO YOU!
I’m a follower, and this hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 250 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also just started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to to visit & participate.
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Hi MM thanks for the nice comment about my folk art flag. I love felted crafts they remind me of a simpler time, I want to try felted soap someday.
ReplyDeleteToo cute!
ReplyDeleteSheep are so cute, and you really portrayed that with the sheep you made. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so impressed you made that - and it's so cute!!
ReplyDeleteI've linked up a seriously chocolaty cookie! Don't forget to link up at Savory Sunday (if you haven't already, or even if you have!) it's open all week! :)
ReplyDeleteThey are both absolutely darling...
ReplyDeleteGreat sheep! So fuzzy and sweet!
ReplyDeleteI would love if you would link it up to our Monday Playdate at:
come & Play :: Playdate
Really cute project. They are adorable and would make the perfect gift for kids :)
ReplyDeleteI love love love this sheep. I wish I could do it. Is needled felting easy to learn? I saw you at Sweet Peas & Bumblebees. I'm your newest follower on Google.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness - how cute! You are my before and after at Met Monday!
So cute! Bet your cousin love it.
ReplyDeleteHi there- found you through Skip to my Lou's hop and am a new follower. I have wanted to needle felt for a long time- any tips on shaping an animal like you made? I hope you have time to follow my life in South Africa by
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!
Oh my - way too cute! I love sheep figures - esp. for Christmas. This one could almost pass for an antique. Great job!!