Saturday, June 18, 2011

Yellow and White Baby Shower

(Those little bunting triangles spell: B-A-B-Y)

 I hosted a baby shower for a friend recently. They found out that the baby was going to be a girl but have made the decision not to be overly pink-ed and frill-ed out about this new life. So, in keeping with their wishes as best as I could, I made it a yellow and white themed party!! 

 A bunting of yellow and white onesies and those famous Martha Stewart pom-poms surrounded the space:

 A yellow checked cloth was on the gift table:

I had a vase full of lemons on the table, but forgot to take a picture. The cake was a Triple Lemon and I found the delicious recipe on Fine Cooking. It is a 4 layer white cake with a hint of lemon, lemon curd between the layers, and topped with a very tasty lemon butter frosting.
 Now, I usually have a thing about needing more than one piece of cake at a sitting. I like me some sugar, ya see? But, with this cake, I only needed ONE piece.....not because it was bad but because it satisfied my sweet and sour cravings completely. If you are looking for something super lemony, look no further. It was incredibly refreshing.
The rest of the food was delish:
Totally potluck style. One of my all time favorite appetizers made a showing:
A Goat Cheese Dip with roasted red pepper, pine nuts, and basil. I'd give you the recipe but it is my MIL's and only hers to hand out. :-) Suffice it to say....SCRUMPTIOUS.  

I also made a small play area for the kiddo's that were there:
A quick little stick tepee, tied with a yellow ribbon at the top and with a yellow (Family Dollar) butterfly. You know, the type that look like they are made out of nylons? If you're looking to make one on a large scale.....look no further. I have a TUTORIAL for you!!

This shower was such a simple, country style shindig. Totally simple to throw together and still make the parents-to-be feel extra special. :-) 

I shared this post at the following funky linky parties:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
The DIY Show OffMaking Monday Marvelous Linky PartyTodays Creative Blog
The Shabby Nest

Fantabulous Friday!
Transformation ThursdayHookingupwithHoHTuesday To Do PartyPhotobucket


  1. I adore that stick teepee you made! We are always trying to encourage our kids to play in our woods, so I am going to try to make one of these with them this week! Thanks for the inspiration! Was it really as quick & easy as you made it sound??
    Wendy (

  2. I love your garland! Everything looks so pretty in yellow! Coming over from Met Monday and a happy new follower!


  3. Pretty shower. The stick teepee is a cute idea.
    Dropping by from Met Monday. I hope you'll come see the safari nursery.


  4. What a pretty shower with such a lovely theme it must have been!!


  5. it was a fantastic shower. and, although the decorations were by far the cutest you could imagine, words cannot describe how magical that cake was. truly truly magical.
    thanks again!

  6. What a cute baby shower. I'm sure it was a blast!

  7. Love those Martha Stewart pom poms! Everything is super adorable!

    I'd love for you to link this up to my link party, Your Whims Wednesday!

  8. looks very nice and simple,, simple is always good in my book. Love the garland and that cake looks delicious

  9. i've been looking for baby shower ideas. this is so sweet. love it! that beautiful yellow is perfect. great blog too

    twitter: kathblogger

  10. Love the yellow and white theme! I want a stick teepee all my own. You did a fantastic job, jules

  11. I love the color theme! Cute!!
    Thank you so much for linking to {nifty thrifty things} last week!
    I hope to see you again tomorrow!

  12. What a lovely shower! I know the expectant mommy was thrilled! Thanks so much for linking to the Tuesday To Do Party!

  13. Everything looks yummy and beeutiful!

  14. What a pretty baby shower! I always get searches looking for baby shower ideas leading to a post I did about a shower. So glad you shared these lovely ideas. Thanks for linking it up at HSH!


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