Happy May Day!!
May Day is traditionally a time to celebrate the renewal of life and and to banish what is left of winter while welcoming spring. Some call it Beltane. In pagan cultures there would hold activities such as May Pole dancing and have great bonfires. In the United States we developed a tradition (though it is not held much now) of making May Baskets and placing them at a friends door, ringing the bell, and running away. If you get caught, you get kissed!!!!
For Craft time this week we made May Baskets of paper with paper flowers.
It's pretty easy if you'd like to try!!
Here's what you need:
Multicolored Paper
Contoured Edge Scissors
Stick on gem stones
Pipe cleaners
Tissue paper
~Take some paper and trim a whole bunch of circles, in a variety of sizes.
~Glue several circles on top of each other (from biggest to smallest).
~Put a gem stone in the middle.
~Tape a pipe cleaner to the back side of the flower.
~Take one sheet of paper and pull opposite corners together to make a cone shape, tape in place.
~Trim a piece of string to be a handle and tape it on either side of the cone.
~Place some tissue paper in the bottom of the cone.
~Twist the ends of the pipe cleaners together and then arrange them in the cone.
~Find a friendly door to put it on, ring the doorbell, and run like the dickens (unless you want to get caught!!).
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Happy May Day to you as well!