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I went shopping the other day and at the mall there was a new store selling Giant Bean Bags. But, at about $420....these were completely out of my range. I knew I could make them myself, and do it much more cheaply! So. I did.
If you would like to make a giant bean bag here are the supplies you'll need:
Zipper (20+ inches)
Two Tapestries (or queen size flat sheets)
EPS Beans (Bean bag Beans)
Dryer Sheet
*You can find suppliers of EPS beads on line....I was in a rush to finish this project and bought them online at Bed Bath and Beyond. I bought 6 bags at $14.99 each)*
On the whole this project cost me about $100.....not bad when I could have spent close to 5 times that!
~Sew the inner sheet like a pillow, leaving room for the zipper to close it up.
~Sew the outer Tapestry on the two long sides and one short one. Leave one end open to place the bigger bag inside it. You could close it up with velcro, or a long zipper. I chose to leave mine open.
~Fill the inner bag with the EPS beads. Before you begin pouring it, rug a dryer sheet around the inside of the plastic bag holding the beads, as this will help with the static electricity.You'll need help; someone to hold the bag open as another lines up the two and slowly tips the bag into the bean bag tapestry.
~I used a pallet, which a sewed another tapestry around, as a base to go under the bean bag. It will keep it off the ground and make it look a little bit more fancy.
*Forget the extra piece attached to the pallet. I had an idea that didn't wok the way I would have liked.
We are not the only ones who enjoy this new cushion...
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I totally recommend it!
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