You never know what you're going to find at a Rummage sale. It's so fun to paw through all the random pieces of someone else junk to find some crafty inspiration. Well, a recent rummage sale gave me the perfect spooky inspiration for my Halloween mantle: Cats. This rummage sale was *filled* with cat memorabilia. You couldn't escape it.

Seeing as I'm not incredible fond of these untrainable, self-absorbed, toxic pooping, vomitous scags sweet creatures, I found the rummage sale to be slightly unsettling. Then my mind turned to Halloween....and I came up with an idea. I collected up a selection of random porcelain cats.
And, spray painted them black.
Prowling his
own quiet backyard or asleep
by the fire, he is still only a whisker away from the wilds. ~Jean
A black cat dropped soundlessly from a high wall, like a spoonful of dark treacle, and melted under a gate.
~Elizabeth Lemarchand
I'm really excited to show you the rest of my mantle!!
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