The Moss Monster!!
They are the new inhabitants of a spooky Victorian mansion I found at a yard sale this past spring. Here's the mansion:
Spookiness, eh?? I adore it. I think it's meant for little porcelain trinkets, but I am not a little porcelain trinket kind o' woman. I appreciate things a little more wild. A little more funky. And...a little more....
Moss Monstery!!!!
Wanna make some of these?? They are super doopery easy.
You need:
wooden bead (with single hole through it)
reindeer moss
hot glue
green floral wire
black eyed peas
~Thread two pieces of wire through the wooden bead, one for the top half of the body (the arms) and one for the bottom half (the legs). I looped them through twice to get them to stay for the moment.
~Hot glue the wires into place by squirting some right into both sides of the hole.
~Hot glue the reindeer moss on.
~Take two black eyed peas for eyes and hot glue them on as well.
Told ya. Easy.
I joined these linky parties....check them out and be inspired!!
Three or More Tuesday
Do It Yourself Fall Festival
Get Your Craft On
Three or More Tuesday
Do It Yourself Fall Festival
Get Your Craft On