Here my latest attempt to cover the bare spots on my walls (or maybe, the crayon marks??). This is a really simple clothespin wreath. I had seen it somewhere recently, a little different that mine in contruction, and the painting was more of a rainbow of colors and less a work with blue shades. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I saw it and a google image search didn't give me any clues. If you think it may have been *you* who inspired me with the project, let me know so that I can credit you accordingly.
To do this project you need:
Wire wreath frame
Cloth (long strip)
~Paint you pins however you would like. I enjoyed doing shades of blue, but they are plenty of other options. Let them dry.
~Use the cloth to wrap around the frame, over and over, until all of it is covered.
~Start pinning those pins on. I think it looks great if you make enough of them to have them close together.'re done. That easy!!!
Here are some parties I linked up to....check them out and be inspired!!!!