You guys are right, this is NOT a Jelly Cabinet. :-) Survey says that this is a drying cabinet, hence the dowels. You can see that I never majored in vintage furniture identification (is this even vintage??.....I haven't the foggiest!!). I'm so glad I have some people to set me straight!! Thanks for the tips!!
All I can say is WOOOO HOOOO!!!! I am so thrilled with the funkiness of this Jelly Cabinet redo. I found this piece last night at, you guessed it, Goodwill. For $9.99. What a deal!! Here's what it looked like when I found it:
Am I right in assuming this was a Jelly Cabinet? Let me know what you think. All these dowels threw me for a loop, but the general shape seems to suggest Jelly Cabinet.
Here's the deal. I primed it:
Then I customed mixed a light greenish blue color for the undercoat. Once that was painted on and fully dry I slathered it with sloppy glue (thanks to some inspiration from Ann at Make the Best of Things ) waited for the glue to set a little bit and then painted over it with a darker greeish/blue. This makes for a great crackle!!
I used plain acrylic craft paint for this project. I have tried to do the crackle effect with interior paint and it is just too thick for it to work. I also painted a grape vine wreath with the undercoat color to make a little matching decor.
Whew!! I can't believe how fast that project was put together. I am so thrilled with it. I love the new splash of green in my rose colored kitchen.
Here are some parties I linked up to (check them out, I promise you'll find inspiration!!):
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Thrifty Thursday
Frugalicious Friday
Frugal Friday
Saturday Nite Special
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Works For Me Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
Thrifty Thursday
Frugalicious Friday
Frugal Friday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Thrifty Thursday
Frugalicious Friday
Frugal Friday
Saturday Nite Special
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Works For Me Wednesday
Penny Pinching Party
Thrifty Thursday
Frugalicious Friday
Frugal Friday