So, I saw those mod-podged pumpkins in Country Living that *everyone* is talking about this October and I thought I would try my hand at it. Problem is....I don't keep colored ink in my printer and I'm not going to go buy some ridiculously priced ink for this ONE project.
So, I just used fabric (that would have been scanned and printed onto paper, had I been following their directions) that I had on hand and wrapped it around my plastic pumpkin to get an idea of how much I needed. Then I trimmed out the piece, covered the (wrong side) middle of the fabric with Elmer's Spray Adhesive and pressed it onto the plastic pumpkin. I did my best to keep the creases near the valleys of the pumpkin and I trimmed off the extra fabric at the top and bottom. I used hot glue to made the top and bottom sections lay nicely....and then I used a little fabric rosette wrap around the stem to cover up the extra fabric on top.
It's certainly not as smooth and fancy as all the mod-podged pumpkins out there, but I will say took a lot less time!!
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