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I've been busy as a bee making some 4th of July Crafts, wanna see??
Here's a simple Betsy Ross-ish flag ( I made 12 stars instead of the traditional 13). For this craft all you need is:
Small rectangular piece of wood
red, white, umber, and blue paint
I just found a good picture of a Betsy Ross flag and went to town. I sketched it briefly with a pencil and then painted the stripes area all white and the stars area all blue, letting the areas dry before adding any more. Then, I added red stripes and white stars. I did this on all sides of the wood block for some consistency. When everything was dry, I did mixed some raw umber and water and did a light wash over the whole piece to give it some aging. I let is dry and Voila!! All done.
Just today I made a little 3d star garland. Simple and easy. HERE is the link for the 5 point star pattern. It's really basic and if you have the time I am sure you can do something A LOT better than what I did. Still, it's fun!!
Last but not least is a fun one for kiddo's. I currently host a craft time at my local library and this was our most recent project (that we'll finish this week). What you need to make it is:
Card Stock
Black Paint
Color a piece of card stock with as much crayon color as you can like this:
You want every bit of paper showing through covered with crayon. Once finished, paint it entirely with black paint and let it dry. Once it is completely dry, use something pointy to scratch your design on the surface. I went for fireworks to go with the 4th of July theme. The trick to this craft is that the paint cannot adhere to the wax from the crayons, so it is easily etched away. Fun, eh??
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