Like the hen I found at a yard sale down the street?? I think I'm a fan. She makes a great flower vase, or painted egg storage container (the Munchkin has a collection). Here's what she looked like first:
Well, I was *not* a fan of the dried flowers. Sometimes, in certain situations, I am....but I read somewhere that they are really terrible for the feng shui of your space and that thought really stuck with me. Plus, I feel like they give off negative energy (if you happen to believe in that kind of thing). So, those had to go. And, I wanted her color to pop a bit more. Yellow and white paint to the rescue!!
Such impertinence!! She wasn't a fan of the product I was using, I guess. Two different colors of paint, some crayon, and some mod podge later and she was a brand new bird.
I set up on the picnic table for her photo shoot. That was when I noticed the Cake Stand I was using. Now, my hubby got me this cake stand....and it is great. I am not complaining in the least!! It is very functional. But, I've been getting the urge for something really beautiful or even something really funky. I have seen so many bloggers working with cake stands. Some crafters have even made them on their own....hmmmm. Here's a fun selection:
From the Graphics Fairy (she does the COOLEST stuff)!!!!
So **CUTE**!! Tutorial at Sweetie Pie Bakery !!
This is the perfect autumn cake stand from Prudent Baby . And, she used canned goods to make it!!
Well, there is certainly a lot of inspiration out there. I've just got to get my butt in gear and either build it or buy it!!
~Brought to you by your friends at and posted by me, in my own words~
Thrifty Thursday