Showing posts with label treat bag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treat bag. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Trick or Treat Bag Craft

So, I'm sitting here thinking....what's next to be crafted with duct tape??

The Munchkin doesn't have a Trick or Treat bag yet. And, if she takes her candy collecting job a seriously as I did when I was a child, she'll need a bag that can handle big loads. Something heavy duty. Enter the duct tape. 

 Seriously. This stuff is addictive. 
And, the only thing that can damage it is my new puppy, Chloe. Whom, it appears, has developed a taste for it. 
Should you decide you wanna be weird like me and make this bag (perhaps you take your trick or treating seriously too)....all you need is:
Black Duct Tape
Black Electrical Tape
Gift Bag
Orange Paper
 Hot Glue
~Tape that bag right up with the Duct Tape. Cover every bit of it. I wrapped the handles in the electrical tape because it was a thinner width and easier to maneuver. I also skipped taping the entire inside, because I am not trying to make this into a boat, just a super tough bag. :-) 
~Cut out pumpkin face shapes from the orange paper and, using the electrical tape, tape it on. 
~To make the flower just cut lots of strips of the electrical tape and fold them in on themselves so that it tapes to itself. To make curly ones just press the fold piece closed when it is in a curled position and it will hold it. Use hot glue to apply all the petals.
Pretty weird, huh? You should have seen the Hubby's face as he watched me assemble this craft. There was a tiny amount of glowing admiration sparkling in his eye....but I think he was just so proud his wife was crafting with duct tape. Cue the Tim "the Tool man" Taylor grunt. :-)

I joined these Funky parties (check them out and cry at your ineptitude) ;-) Just kidding.

Creations by Kara


Beyond The Picket Fence

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Katie's Nesting Spot

Punkin Seed Productions

DIY Club
The DIY Show Off