Monday, May 9, 2011

A Mermaid's Tale

"From out their grottos at evenings beam,
the mermaids swim with locks agleam."
~Walter de la Mare~
On my recent vacation to Myrtle Beach, I made a mermaid on the shore. 

You see, I couldn't just be on vacation.....I had to be crafty, too. Because, making art IS relaxing to me. Even art that will be swept away in the coming tide. 

She was made of sand and shells. White shells for her fins and her halter, colored cockle shells for her hair. It took about 4 hours and by the time I was finished, the tide was coming in. 

In a lot of ways, making this craft on the beach was like posting on my blog. The beach walkers who stopped to look were the ones posting comments:

And, I even got some constructive criticism: 

That man above had added eyes and smiley face to my Mermaid:

But, the Munchkin thought it too closely resembled Dracula and we took the mouth off. In general, though, I was thrilled that people were adding to my Mermaid art....if I had had time I would have put up a sign inviting people to do so. 

As the tide came in, we fought the inevitable....mostly because it is just fun to try and thwart nature (knowing you won't win). 

We built walls around her and watched for the next big wave.

Of course, she couldn't withstand the pull of water. She was drawn back into the arms of the ocean. 
But I have no doubt she will reappear the next time we make a trip to the beach.

I shared this post at these fantastic blog parties:

The DIY Show OffThe Girl CreativecraftCraft DIY Ideas

Tuesday To Do Party

>topsy turvy tuesdaysAnything Related
Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Marvelous Mess #12

A Marvelous Mess #11 Features!!!

Ooo, boy I am late on these features this week. But, I have an excuse.....I was the host of a baby shower on Saturday (which I'll be posting about once I find my camera!!) and I was caught up in the busyness of being a hostess. I'm here now, right?? *pant, pant* 
Here are the projects I chose:

For humor, these Wookie Wearables from Sew Can Do are spot on:
I can hear Han, "Laugh it up fuzzball....."  :-D 
These really made my day.

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe made these beautiful rosette rings and has a great tutorial to share:

From It's Always a Party At The Parkers, there is a very useful tutorial on Chocolate Covered Oreos:


The project I'm going to feature on my sidebar for a week:

Outdoor Chandeliers from Turning A House into a Home!! This is one of those projects that I look at and *know* that I will be making that craft very soon. It's so funky and cute all at the same time!! Love it. 

If I featured you in this post, please grab a button and flaunt it accordingly!! ;-) 

See you at the party tonight!!