Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Marbelized Paper Easter Egg Tutorial

I had that Marbelizing urge last night. It was spurred on by the fact that I found (at my local Renys) a great deal on some fancy cotton paper. Before the holidays I did a tutorial on marbelized paper.... check it out here. 
I took a few more pictures this time of the paint on the liquid starch, the paper, and rinsing off the paper after it has set. 
I really like the color combination's this time. I went with a spring theme. Something else I should mention: I am not your traditional marbeliz-er (er?)....I don't like to make designs as much as I like to *PLOP*, *SPLAT*, and *SLOSH* paint in the pan. I really like the look of water drops and air bubbles (the kind a professional would be horrified to see) and I think the whole lack-of-technique thing I have going one is actually just the way I want it to be. It is intentional. :-) 
I didn't have any plans too make Easter eggs out of my paper , but this morning when I woke up and looked at the paper I could just see those little eggs waiting to be formed. So, I trimmed away and voila!!





 I love them!!!!

Here are some of the link parties I joined:
The Thrifty Home
Feature Yourself Friday
Favorite Things Friday
Spring Has Sprung
Craft Concoction Friday
Spring/Easter Party
Weekend Wrap Up Party

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Itty Bitty Kitty Stencil

This is the face of one of the cutest toys in our house. I thought I'd make a quick stencil tonight. It was simple!!
I made a sketch of the little kitty on plain paper. 

Then I covered it with clear contact paper, trimmed out the right pieces, and taped it to a shirt of my Munchkins. Some fabric paint, a stencil brush, and voila!!!!
 I love the simplicity of stencils. More specific, I love to make **simple** stencils. And, they look so great. This is one cool cat. :-)

Some Great Link Parties I Joined:

The Girl Creative


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Paint Chip Pointillism

 Alright, I'm no Georges Seurat either. This is my lazy almost-spring-ish day response to his masterpiece of pointillism, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte. This little paint chip craft was a lot of fun to do. It's also a painstaking project (well, my estimation of painstaking is anything that doesn't produce immediate results in a few minutes....yeah, I'm not known for my patience). It might not even look like it took me a long time, but it IS a very time consuming craft. And, I didn't even have to mix any paint!!
 Imagine Seurat with his Grand Jatte taking TWO YEARS to perfect. He began this work at the age of 25 in an attempt to prove a scientific **ahem** point ....that painting with dots (known as pointillism) would make a more powerful, striking color than painting with brush strokes. I'm not sure I agree with his premise....but, I love his art. 
So, the simple directions to this craft is to grab some paint chips from your local hardware store (I picked up a variety of spring colors with the help of my Munchkin ), your trusty paper punch, some glue, and some paper and a paintbrush. There are so many things you could do with this craft: cards, picture frames, wall art, you name it. Or, more appropriate, you imagine it. 
I've linked up this post at Everything Etsy, Skip to My Lou, and Today's Creative Blog. Check it out and I promise all the ideas you find there will inspire!!

I Made It Blog Party

Creations by Kara