Friday, May 14, 2010

Sandpaper Crayon Craft

Here's a little craft that my Munchkin and I enjoyed today. I found an article here on how to do crayon transfers with sandpaper and regular crayons. Our house is filled with thousands of lounging crayons bits just waiting to be crafted into something new. This was the craft for us!!
What you need:


Start by making a crayon drawing on the sandpaper and be sure to press down HARD. You want that paper covered with wax. 
Iron your fabric to get all the wrinkles out and then flip the design over. Put a piece of tinfoil that is slightly bigger than your design under it to make sure that the wax doesn't seep into the back layer of the fabric (if you're doing a shirt).  Get that iron out and iron away. Try not to put it on the "charbroil" setting (like I did).
The Munchkin made this. Too cute!!!

I worked on some butterflies. I wanted to try a Morpho (since they've been on my mind recently ).
I made a fun selection and placed them on the shirt, colored side down. Then I ironed away. Have you seen my iron?? It's awesome. Goodwill, of course. :-)

Once you've ironed the drawing, gently peel it away and let the fabric cool. To wash fabric with crayon transfers, you *can* use a washing machine on cold....but I would reccomend handwashing with cold water and setting it out to dry. Do NOT put one in your dryer. Nope, nope, nope. Bad idea. 
You can see that the Morpho didn't quite come out as well as it could have. I think it *MAY* have had to do with the fact that I used a variety of crayons....some name brand and some not. I would suggest trial and error to see which produce the best results for you. I, only the other hand, was not paying enough attention. :-) 
This is a great kiddo craft, except for the ironing. Make sure that there is an adult around to use the iron....other than that, you're good to go!!

Beyond The Picket Fence

The Girl Creative



Sumo Sweet Stuff

Get your craft on Thurs.

Beyond The Picket Fence

Feelin' the Love

  Well, I am just feelin' the love. :-) 
Melissa at Those Northern Skies has awarded me with the Trendy Treehouse!!
Thanks Melissa!!


Here are the rules:
  • To receive this award {Trendy Treehouse} you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
  • Post about your award in your blog.
  • List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs.
  • Share with them.
  • Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button.
  • Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.
Here are my Ten Trendy Blogs in no particular order:
Beth@  Live. Laugh. Make Something.
Heather@ My Frugal Family
The Magic Onions
Nikki@ WhiMSy love
Sara@ tell love and chocolate
Angela/Niki@ Northern Mama
Brittany@ LatteLoveMommy
Jenny@ Let The Children Play
Becca@ bare feet on the dashboard
Sarah@ Cars, Trucks, and Teething Rings

Please check out these great blogs....I know you'll be impressed!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Guess the Car Giveaway!!!!

Here is the block print that I made for my Mother In-Law for Mothers day. It's of her favorite car, one that she used to own and always relied on. She speaks of it with reverence. :-) I've heard her talk about it enough that I thought, "Why not make a car print?"
 Why not indeed. It turns out I don't have any woodworking tools for making wood block prints. I had thought about lineoleum....but I wanted to use materials that I had around. I found a piece of plywood and an exacto knife. I sketched a design based off from some images I found online and then started scratching away the negative space. The plywood was really handy....all the different layers made it pretty easy for separating. I was expecting it to be quite a process to do this project with the right tools....but, it turned out that I had what I needed. I love the way it turned out. :-) 
I found the frame at Goodwill (where else?!?!) and painted a layer of acrylic Hydrangea paint on it. 
 Before it was fully dry I rubbed it off in spots to give it that aged look.  The background behind the painting is a polyester fabric that I just tacked onto some matting.

So, here's the deal. I made quite a few prints and I've never done a, why not?? I'm going to make it a little funky, though. 
Here are the rules:
(leave a comment for each type of, you can have a total of THREE different comments)
Leave a comment-1 Entry
Guess the car make/approx. year- 1 Entry
Become a Google Friend Follower or Subscribe to my blog- 1 Entry

If your number is picked you will get a framed print sent to you.  So, give it a good guess!! I'll tell you now that it is from **before** 1980. 
This Giveaway Ends on 16th!!
I linked up to these Parties:
Weekend Wrap Up Party 
Saturday Nite Special 
Hodgepodge Friday
Frugal Friday 
Look At Me I'm So Crafty 
Plant A Punkin Seed Party
Frugalicious Friday 
Flaunt It Friday 
Made It Monday 
Just Something I Whipped Up 
Making The World Cuter 
Metamorphosis Monday 
Made By You Monday
Market Yourself Monday 
DIY Project Parade
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays
Do It Yourself Day
Trash To Treasure 
Take A Look Tuesday
Tip Me Tuesday 
Get Your Craft On
Penny Pinching Party
Boardwalk Bragfest 
Thrifty Thursday 
Strut Your Stuff Thursday
Get Your Craft On Thursday
Flaunt It Friday
Frugalicious Friday
Look At Me I'm So Crafty
Favorite Things Friday
Under $100 Linky Party
Friday Favorites 
It's Hodgepodge Friday 


The DIY Show Off



Get your craft on Thurs.

Beyond The Picket Fence