Monday, July 26, 2010

Oh, I Wish I Had a Cake Stand *deidle, deedle, deidle, dum*

Like the hen I found at a yard sale down the street?? I think I'm a fan. She makes a great flower vase, or painted egg storage container (the Munchkin has a collection). Here's what she looked like first:
Well, I was *not* a fan of the dried flowers. Sometimes, in certain situations, I am....but I read somewhere that they are really terrible for the feng shui of your space and that thought really stuck with me.  Plus, I feel like they give off negative energy (if you happen to believe in that kind of thing). So, those had to go. And, I wanted her color to pop a bit more. Yellow and white paint to the rescue!!
Such impertinence!! She wasn't a fan of the product I was using, I guess.  Two different colors of paint, some crayon, and some mod podge later and she was a brand new bird. 

I set up on the picnic table for her photo shoot. That was when I noticed the Cake Stand I was using. Now, my hubby got me this cake stand....and it is great. I am not complaining in the least!! It is very functional. But, I've been getting the urge for something really beautiful or even something really funky.  I have seen so many bloggers working with cake stands. Some crafters have even made them on their own....hmmmm. Here's a fun selection:
From the Graphics Fairy (she does the COOLEST stuff)!!!!

So **CUTE**!! Tutorial at Sweetie Pie Bakery !!

This is the perfect autumn cake stand from Prudent Baby . And, she used canned goods to make it!!
Well, there is certainly a lot of inspiration out there. I've just got to get my butt in gear and either build it or buy it!!

~Brought to you by your friends at and posted by me, in my own words~

Here Are the Parties I am linking up to:
Thrifty Thursday

Sumo Sweet Stuff
All Thingz Related
Keeping It Simple



Get your craft on Thurs.

Beyond The Picket Fence

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up      party!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Cozy Cat Cushion Craft

I'm amazed at myself for saying this, but it is totally true: I **like** a cat. I really do. Our new (old) cat. So, in this spirit of companionship I decided to make the cat some places to sleep and dream some funky cat dreams. Because he shouldn't have to sleep like this:
 He's not too happy about the blocks carefully stacked around him. The Munchkins goal behind this project was to stop his tail from moving. Hmmm. So, he definitely needs a designated sleep area for comfort and for boundaries....'cause then I can tell the Munchkin that when he's on the sleeping spots, he's off limits (yeah, that'll work). I made Danny a windowsill cushion and a bed.

So, here's what you need:

Thin Styrofoam Board
Lots of a fabric for cushion(depending on the # of projects)
Exacto knife
Sewing Machine and Thread
Velcro pieces
Alternate Fabric for Flower Paws
Glue Gun
Batting/Polyester filling

To Make the Cushions:
~A piece of styrofoam cut to fit for the windowseat (for the bed, you can pick whatever size you want). I don't do math and I don't like to measure so, I eye-balled it:
I just trimmed off the excess. 
~Next, you need to see how much fabric you require. I laid out the fabric, laid my styrofoam board on it, folded it over and gave about 3 inches of extra fabric for hemming and room for stuffing. I trimmed away the rest.
~Take the foam out. 
~Hem one of the short sides. Leave the other alone.
~Reverse the fabric (wrong side out) and stitch the longest sides together.
~Then, line up the fabric like this (picture below) and sew a straight line across the unhemmed, short side. It should look like this:
Hopefully, your stitches will be straighter than mine. **yeesh**
~Turn the whole thing right side out and poke the corners out. 
~Fit the board into it. 
~Fill it with batting/filling.
~Attach velcro to the inside hemmed edges and seal it up. I used adhesive velcro, which is going to get in the way of washing....but, I couldn't find any plain kind at the store I went to. You'd be better off getting the sewn on kind, I'm sure. 
~Add the fabric flowers (the shape of a paw, if you'd like) with the hot glue....I'm not going to give you directions on the flowers, but you can find them HERE at The Domestic Diva. I went with the hand rolled roses. :-) 
Here's a picture of the paw, close-up:
For the windowsill cushion, I attached it so the windowsill with some leftover velcro. That way the cat cat jump on and off without knocking it down all the time. We also put a bird feeder right next to the window, so he'll have some wildlife to scheme about. :-)
 Here they are, all put together:

Danny thinks it's Purr-fect. :-)

Here are the Linky Parties I Joined:
The Girl Creative
(Check them out and be inspired)

Get your craft on Thurs.
Beyond The Picket Fence

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up     party!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

The DIY Show Off
The Girl Creative
Sumo Sweet Stuff

All Thingz Related
Keeping It Simple



Get your craft on Thurs.

Beyond The Picket Fence

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Punkin Seed Productions