Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Northern Maine Camping Trip

We took the Munchkin camping for the first time a few weeks ago. I have so many pictures I have been meaning to share with you!! We stayed on a lake in the shadow of Mt. Katahdin. It's such a good feeling to ditch the computer and phone and head out to a place where you can guarantee some solitude. 
Red Brook. The moose who came out to our campsite would travel down this stream to come to the lake. 
See the moose track (above)??
I woke up early one morning and got some pictures of land around our campsite.
We had some doggy friends join us on the trip. 

We had some other friends as well:

We spent some quality time around the campfire. 
But first, we had to get it started. This trick was ingenious....should your campfire be too soaked to start can always utilize your air pump (once you have filled your mattress):
Good thinking, Dad. :-)

We saw an amazing moon rise as well:

Of course, we sang some songs around the campfire. 
We skinny dipped (sorry, no pictures!!) :-p
And, then we retired to our tents each night. If only we had some bedroom furniture sets to fit our tents, right?? Well, the air mattress had to do for a couple nights. It was definitely worth a few days of uncomfortable sleep in trade for the peace and solitude of a campsite in northern Maine. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kiddo Craft-o's: Permanent Marker Tie Dye

The most recent project I did for my local Library craft time was permanent marker tie dyeing. This was a blast with kids of all ages, but it definitely requires some adult supervision as one of the materials is quite toxic as well as very flammable. Make sure you do this in a well ventilated area.

To Do This You Need:
permanent markers (lots of colors)
plain light fabric
plastic cups
rubbing alcohol
eye dropper
~Take a piece of cloth and place it over the open end of the plastic cup, covering the top.
~Secure it with the elastic band.
~Color on the fabric in the circle with the markers.
~When drawing is finished, take the dropper and fill it with rubbing alcohol. Slowly drop the alcohol onto the fabric.
~The marker disperses with the alcohol and spreads it all over the fabric inside the circle (sometimes out of it). 
~Let it dry. 
~Heat set the colors with an iron....or you can try a water and vinegar solution to help the colors set.
Here are the parties I linked up to (check them out and be inspired!!):

The Girl Creative

All Thingz Related


Get your craft on Thurs.

Beyond The Picket Fence

Punkin Seed Productions



Sumo Sweet Stuff

Pansy Picnic

Somebody has been enjoying our pansies. 
And our clover. :-) 
I don't mind too much....he hasn't figured out what a nice buffet we've provided in our vegetable garden!!