Monday, August 16, 2010

Clothespin Wreath

Here my latest attempt to cover the bare spots on my walls (or maybe, the crayon marks??). This is a really simple clothespin wreath. I had seen it somewhere recently, a little different that mine in contruction, and the painting was more of a rainbow of colors and less a work with blue shades. Unfortunately, I don't remember where I saw it and a google image search didn't give me any clues. If you think it may have been *you* who inspired me with the project, let me know so that I can credit you accordingly.
To do this project you need:
Wire wreath frame
Cloth (long strip)
~Paint you pins however you would like. I enjoyed doing shades of blue, but they are plenty of other options. Let them dry.
~Use the cloth to wrap around the frame, over and over, until all of it is covered. 
~Start pinning those pins on. I think it looks great if you make enough of them to have them close together.'re done. That easy!!!

Here are some parties I linked up to....check them out and be inspired!!!!
The DIY Show Off

The Girl Creative

Sumo Sweet Stuff
All Thingz Related mmm button


Get your craft on Thurs.

Creations by KaraNightOwlCrafting


Punkin Seed Productions


Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special

My Mum

The lady that bore me and gave me those wonderful creative genes happens to be an artist. She was just recently part of an artwalk in our local community. I am so proud of her!! I just had to show you some of her pieces, so that you could be proud of her too.
Bear in mind, she created all of these pieces in a *week*. Now, that's ambition.
She works primarily with oil, however.....growing up I witnessed some pretty crazy creations in our house: clay goddesses (from clay off our land), papier mache dinsosaurs big enough to ride on, and flower paintings that were wall-sized. She raised four kids. In between basketball practices and playdates she perfected the art of painting. I'm very proud of my mother's art....can you tell?? Truly, these pictures only touch the surface, you would be so impressed to see them in reality. 
Pretty amazing, huh? If you would like more information about my incredible mom and her incredible art.... Just write me a note:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Major Fail Blogger....

Oh my goodness, did I make a mistake last night. :( 
Okay, I made lots of mistakes. Definitely plural. 
This very sad blog is going to be under construction for a bit until I finish cleaning up the mess I made.