Saturday, September 18, 2010

Make an Autumn Wreath Craft

Here's one of my versions of an Autumn wreath. Pretty simple!! I loved using leather....I think the color and texture is perfect for fall. In fact, the straw floral wreath was a great choice too....all the materials used in the making of this wreath have been certified by the Reminiscent of Autumn council.  :-) 
To make this Wreath You Need:
Straw Floral Wreath
Dark Leather Cord
Light Leather piece
Glue Gun

  • Begin by wrapping the leather cord around the wreath. Spiral it around until the begging and the end of the cord meet and then use the hot glue to pin them to the back of the wreath. 
  • Make some figure eights with a long piece of leather cord and glue the center of all the pieces down to a portion of the wreath. Glue and acorn in the center of that, making it look like a little bow. 
  • Cut some leaf shapes out of the light, soft leather and glue a small piece of the dark leather down the center of it, making it look like the stem. Make 5 of these. 
  • Take the stems of all five of the leaves and gather them at the ends. Glue them underneath the acorn bow. 
  • Take one more piece of leather cord and coil it up, making a big spiral. Glue this over the stem ends to cover the up and add a little embellishment. 

There you go!! I almost don't want to display on my door. I can just imagine this on my coffee table. Of course, the straw pieces scattered all over the house would drive me bonkers. Danny, the cat would adore it. :-)

Keep an eye out in the next couple of days....I'm gonna be hosting a giveaway from CSN!!

Here are the parties I linked up to, check them out and be inspired!!

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

The DIY Show Off
The Girl Creative

It's a Blog Party

Sumo Sweet Stuff

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lindo Twist n' Roll Review

 Here's a new "twist" on an old problem....the Lindo Twist and Roll tweezers. This product gets the tweezing job done in *bulk* and fast. I know when I am using regular tweezers I am constantly dreading that tug and pull....and it seems it lasts forever until the job is finally done. With the Twist and Roll, you just place it on your skin in a U shape and with a simple turning of the handles the tweezers just pluck a whole bunch of hairs all at once. To see the tweezers in action check out this PAGE.

The Good:
  • It does it's job remarkably fast, saving you lots of time to do other more time-worthy projects. Like crafting, yay!!
  • It's inexpensive: $14.99 on sale right now!!
  • It reduces the pain level in minutes, by getting it so much more done in one roll, instead of constant pluck, pluck, plucking. 
  • It does a great job and gets hairs that might be too small or too light to see and are easily missed with conventional tweezing.
The Not-So Good:
  • You're still pulling hairs out of your head, no matter how you "twist" it. But, oh, the price of superficial beauty, right?? 
  • Those simple little rolls can be painful (there's a lot of little hairs getting yanked). But, I say it's better to complete the project fast. 
 Ultimately, I'm a big fan of the Twist and Roll. It works perfectly with me: I don't have a lot of time during the day and I don't really have the patience for conventional tweezing. 
If you want to learn more about the Twist and Roll or would like to purchase one, you can find them here:
Lindo Twist and Roll

Disclosure: I received this product for the purpose of a review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own. I am a woman of my word....if I don't like something, you'll know it!! :-)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Salon Grafix Invisible Dry Shampoo Review

It's time to put all my cards on the table:
  I don't wash my hair everyday.

I'm a mom. I'm a crafter. And, let's face it....quite often I have other things I'd rather be doing. But, I do like the look and feel of a clean head of hair. So, I was intrigued by the product by Salon Grafix: Invisible Dry Shampoo.
I just received it in the mail the other day and it happened to be on a day where I hadn't washed my hair yet. So, I gave it a try. Now, I lean towards the hippie end of the spectrum when it comes to beauty, take that into account when you hear what a have to say.

The Good:
It worked!! My dirty tresses looked markedly cleaner after some liberal spraying of the product. It's smell isn't overpowering, in fact for the ingredients involved in the making of it....its quite amazing. There were no residues, only a slightly stiff feeling to my hair once it dried. No more stiff than if I used some mousse.

The Not-So-Good:
The first ingredient is butane. Then alcohol. Next is propane. Get the picture?? Holy cow, let me tell you....I was so very KEENLY aware of anything that might spark or start a flame in my presence. I know, that sounds dramatic.... but, with all that in my hair I was being extra cautious. Now, to be fair, I just looked up the ingredients in regular hairspray and it is right along the same lines. Very flammable. So, if you choose to use this product, be aware and take precautions. I would advise you against any hot air ballon trips.  The only other thing I might mention is that my skin where I sprayed was pretty warm and sore for a bit afterward....which is probably due to the chemicals and the fact that I don't use much hair product. I have naturally sensitive skin. 

Bottom line: 
This product is a great fit for those of you who are used to using these types of products on your hair/skin and who are looking for a simple way to clean their hair without the use of a shower. It does it's job well, if just a tad intensely.
I hope this review helped you to understand the product a bit better. I did receive product in compensation for this review. The review is written entirely in my own words, with my own opinon behind them. I am a woman of my word, and if I don't like'll know!!