Sunday, September 26, 2010

Great Horned Owl Craft

So, I've been seeing a lot of owls around blog-town recently. I though I would try my hand at one!! Instead of totally cutesy, wouldn't harm a hair on Thumper's head owl....I made the real deal. This guy is an owls Owl. He's so owlish intimidating, that the Munchkin (who I made this for) won't let him in her room. Truth be told, I probably wouldn't enjoy waking up to him either. But, he IS a great snuggler. He went on a trip with us apple picking today. 
He was so excited. :-)
 The first time the Munchkin went apple picking, in this very orchard, we heard a Great Horned Owl calling. 

He may be intimidating, but he has no qualms with goofing around. That's my kind of owl. 
Now, I made this dude off the hip. That is to say, no pattern....and honestly, if I had a one I wouldn't know how to read it. What I'm getting at, is that if I can't read a pattern....I can't write a pattern. I haven't the foggiest how to do it.  What I *did* do is draw some sketches of general shapes you should cut out to make this guy:
I don't know if that helps or not. If you're like me, and you do it without a might be easier for you to understand. If you know how to sew and read patterns.....well, you're better off just forgetting you saw this project and my little sketch up above. *sheepish smile*
If you have any questions or need clarifications, just write me an email. 

You can find this post, and many other crafty posts at these blog parties:
 Get Your Craft On Tuesday

Works For Me Wednesdays 

The DIY Show Off

It's a Blog Party

The Girl Creative

All Thingz Related

Birthday Wedding cakes crafts parties


Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Creations by Kara


Get your craft on Thurs.


CSN Gift Code Winner!!!!

The winner of the CSN Giveaway is #40
I'll be contacting you by email. 
Thanks to all of you for entering the giveaway. Keep a look out for my next opportunity to win something for free!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

On a Lake in Maine

This is dock that welcomed us each morning. Here, we would wrap up in blankets and munch on breakfast, listening to the loons and the family of ducks that lived in the cove next to the camp.  We splashed and played, practiced swimming (and relaxing!!). We watched fish and kayaked around. 
The Canada Geese were making their migration and they stopped in for a dip in the Monet-esque lily pads surrounding our camp. It was truly gorgeous!!
The ground around the camp was so lush and mysterious, perfect for a Munchkin looking to make some fairy houses. :-)
I would totally live in one of those fairy houses if I could. What a simple life!!
Here are a few textures I captured from the camp:
And, I hope these next pictures help to capture the charm of the camp.....and how *charmed* we were by the whole vacation.

We were so incredibly lucky enough to go on FOUR water vacations this spring/summer. Each one meant so much to us and provided a great opportunity to branch out and try something new and find a little relaxation. Not only that, but for each vacation we were essentially "unplugged" from technology....and that was the most important factor of all. Though I love the friends I have made from blogging, it is so **necessary** to unplug every now and then. To let nature hold our interest and fulfill our needs for a time. It's so rejuvenating.