Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Promotional Products

As I continue blogging, crafting, and even thinking about selling my crafts I have taken the time to consider promotional products. Something that I could place in a gift bag, hand out from a table, or mail along with a gift. I still have promotional pens around my house that I received from a bank or a magnet on my fridge from on online store.....and I look at those products almost *everyday*, so I know they can be effective!!

If I were to really put some focus into my business I might even get customized notepads for my office!! I can just see, "From the desk of Marvelously Messy" being handed out to colleagues. Or, just a simple notepad with my blog name on it that I could give out with extra information at craft fairs and such. There is obviously a whole world of advertising that I am walking into here.

A great place to go looking for promotional products and printing is Amsterdam Printing. After perusing around the website I found screen printed tote bags, digital magnets, umbrellas, and even flash drives. And, I thought they were all fairly reasonably priced!!

This post was sponsored by Go Promos and Amsterdam Printing, the opinions found here are my own

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shabby Coffee Table Makeover

It was a perfect day for photos. I am in love with this one. Setting everything up in front of my front porch, it's my favorite spot. Wait.....I should be talking about the table!! ;-) 
But, I really do like that photo. 

I found this table at Goodwill. Don't ya just *love* it!! 
I found it unpainted and unloved, hidden between two shoe displays. 

So.....pretty darn simple. And, I would've taken pictures except my camera is kinda out-of-state. Should be arriving in the mail soon. :-)
I sanded. 
I cleaned.
I sprayed.
I sanded again.
Here are some of those sanded spots:
And, I kept the original hardware. I thought it fit the look I was going for. 
And, no.....this is not my day job. :-) So, no worries.
I am a shabby furniture newbie. 

Any good tips for me??

I shared this post at the following wonderful parties:

The DIY Show OffThe Girl Creative Tuesday To Do Party
Make it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Transformation ThursdaySomewhat Simple
Beyond The Picket FenceThe Shabby Nest

Fantabulous Friday!
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Marvelous Mess #13 and Features!!

I have been so swamped recently. You know that feeling?

Definitely how I'm feeling right now. But, I aim to fix that.....by first  getting my features from last week out there!! Yikes. Here we go:

Isn't this Diagonal Sweater Purse so cute!! Show Share Tell has always got something funky going on!!

And the post I am going to feature for a week on my sidebar..........
A Sewing Notions Wreath from Something Created Everyday. Isn't this so unique? I just love it. 
If you were featured on this post, be sure take a button:


Now....On to the party!!